Package 'gapfill'

Title: Fill Missing Values in Satellite Data
Description: Tools to fill missing values in satellite data and to develop new gap-fill algorithms. The methods are tailored to data (images) observed at equally-spaced points in time. The package is illustrated with MODIS NDVI data.
Authors: Florian Gerber [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Florian Gerber <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.9.6-1
Built: 2025-02-05 04:41:09 UTC

Help Index



The package provides tools to fill-in missing values in satellite data. It can be used to gap-fill, e.g., MODIS NDVI data and is helpful when developing new gap-fill algorithms. The methods are tailored to data (images) observed at equally-spaced points in time. This is typically the case for MODIS land surface products and AVHRR NDVI data, among others.
The predictions of the missing values are based on a subset-predict procedure, i.e., each missing value is predicted separately by (1) selecting subsets of the data that are in a neighborhood around the missing point and (2) predicting the missing value based on the subset.
The main function of the package is Gapfill.


  • Gap-filling can be executed in parallel.

  • Users may define new Subset and Predict functions and run alternative prediction algorithms with little effort. See Extend for more information and examples.

  • Visualization of space-time data are simplified through the ggplot2-based function Image.


Florian Gerber, [email protected].


F. Gerber, R. de Jong, M. E. Schaepman, G. Schaepman-Strub, and R. Furrer (2018) in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, pp. 1-13, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2017.2785240.

See Also

Gapfill, Subset-Predict, Extend, Image.

Convert an Array with 4 Dimensions into a Matrix


Converts the array, a, with 4 dimensions, c(d1, d2, d3, d4), into a matrix with d1*d2 rows and d3*d4 columns.





Array with 4 dimensions.


A matrix. If a has the attribute mp, the transformed attribute is returned as well. See ArrayAround for more information about mp.


Florian Gerber, [email protected].

See Also

Index, ArrayAround.


a <- array(data = 1:16, dim = c(2, 2, 2, 2))
Array2Matrix(a = a)
attr(a, "mp") <- c(1, 2, 2, 1)
Array2Matrix(a = a)

Array2Matrix(ArrayAround(data = a, mp = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
                         size = c(1, 1, 2, 2)))

Subset an Array with 4 dimensions


Given an array data with 4 dimensions, a subset around the element with coordinates mp ("missing position") is extracted. The size of the subset in all four directions from mp is specified by size.
ArrayAroundRandom returns a subset around a random location in data.


ArrayAround(data, mp, size)

  size = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L),
  target = c("all", "missing", "observed"),
  verbose = TRUE



Array with 4 dimensions.


Integer vector of length 4 indexing an element in data.


Integer vector of length 4, that provides the size of the subset in all four dimensions (around mp).


One of c("all", "missing", "observed"). Indicates from which subset of data a random location is sampled.


Logical vector of length 1. If TRUE, messages are printed.


Array with 4 dimensions corresponding to the specified subset. The attribute mp of the returned array is an integer vector of length 4 giving mp relative to the returned array.


When size = c(0, 0, 0, 0), the returned subset consists of one value (the value of data indexed with mp.)
When mp is near the boundaries of data, the returned subset may be smaller than indicated by the argument size and the attribute mp may indicate an element near the boundaries of the subset.


Florian Gerber, [email protected].


a <- array(1:16, c(2, 2, 2, 2))
ArrayAround(data = a, mp = c(1, 1, 1, 1), size = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
## returns the first element a[1,1,1,1]

ArrayAround(data = a, mp = c(2, 2, 2, 2), size = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
## returns the last element a[2,2,2,2]

ArrayAround(data = a, mp = c(1, 1, 1, 1), size = c(1, 0, 0, 0))
## returns a[1:2,1,1,1]

ArrayAround(data = a, mp = c(1, 1, 1, 1), size = c(1, 1, 1, 1))
## returns a

ArrayAroundRandom(a, size = c(1, 2, 1, 2))

Estimate the Quantile of a Missing Value


Helper function for Predict. The function estimates the quantile of the missing value at position mp from the data a relative to its image a[,,mp[3],mp[4]].


EstimateQuantile(a, mp, nQuant, predictionInterval = FALSE)



Numeric array with 4 dimensions.


Integer vector of length 4 indexing the position of the missing value to predict.


Integer vector of length 1. Minimum number of non-missing values in a[mp[1], mp[2],,] required to estimate the quantile. If a[mp[1], mp[2],,] contains less non-missing values, the neighboring values of a[mp[1], mp[2],,] are also taken into account.


Logical vector of length 1. If TRUE, the estimated quantile together with lower and upper bounds of an approximate 90% uncertainty interval is returned.


If predictionInterval is FALSE, a numeric vector of length 1 being the estimated quantile of the missing value a[mp[1], mp[2], mp[3], mp[4]] is returned. Otherwise, a numeric vector of length 3 containing the estimated quantile and the lower and upper bounds of an approximate 90% uncertainty interval is returned.


Florian Gerber, [email protected].


F. Gerber, R. de Jong, M. E. Schaepman, G. Schaepman-Strub, and R. Furrer (2018) in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, pp. 1-13, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2017.2785240.

See Also



a <- Subset(data = ndvi, mp = c(1, 3, 1, 2), i = 0)
EstimateQuantile(a = a, mp = attr(a, "mp"), nQuant = 2)

Implement an Alternative Gap-fill Algorithm


By default, the Gapfill function uses the Subset and Predict functions to predict missing values. To implement alternative gap-fill procedures, these functions can be replaced by user defined ones and passed to the Gapfill function via the arguments fnSubset and fnPredict.
The example section below gives two such extensions:

Example 1:

Illustration of the concept. The prediction is the mean of the subset around a missing value.

Example 2:

An algorithm using the Score and the lm functions.


To work properly the user-defined Subset function needs to have the arguments:


The input data array.


Numeric vector of length 4 specifying the index of the currently treated missing value.


Integer vector of length 1. Number of non-successfully tried subsets.

The function user-defined Predict function, needs to have the arguments:


Return value of the Subset function.


Integer vector of length 1. Number of non-successfully tried subsets.

Both functions may take additional arguments. The default values of these arguments can be changed via the ... arguments of Gapfill.


Florian Gerber, [email protected].


F. Gerber, R. de Jong, M. E. Schaepman, G. Schaepman-Strub, and R. Furrer (2018) in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, pp. 1-13, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2017.2785240.

See Also

Gapfill, Subset-Predict, Score, lm.


## Not run: 
## Example 1: mean ----------------------------------
## define a predict function
PredictMean <- function (a, i) mean(a, na.rm = TRUE)

out1 <- Gapfill(data = ndvi, fnPredict = PredictMean)

## start with a smaller subset
out2 <- Gapfill(data = ndvi, fnPredict = PredictMean,
                initialSize = c(0, 0, 1, 6))

## require at least "nNotNA" non-NA values
## return predicted value and number of iterations i
PredictMean2 <- function (a, i, nNotNA) {
    if (sum(! < nNotNA)
        return (c(NA, NA))
    c(mean(a, na.rm = TRUE), i)
out3 <- Gapfill(data = ndvi, fnPredict = PredictMean2, nPredict = 2,
                initialSize = c(0, 0, 1, 6), nNotNA = 0)
stopifnot(identical(c(out2$fill), c(out3$fill[,,,,1])))
Image(out3$fill[,,,,2])  # number of used iterations i

out4 <- Gapfill(data = ndvi, fnPredict = PredictMean2, nPredict = 2,
                initialSize = c(0, 0, 1, 6), nNotNA = 50)
Image(out4$fill[,,,,1])  # fill values
Image(out4$fill[,,,,2])  # number of used iterations i

## Example 2: Score() and lm() ----------------------
PredictLm <- function (a, i, nNotNA = 50, minScores = 2){
    if (sum(! < nNotNA)
        return (NA)
    am <- Array2Matrix(a)
    sx <- Score(t(am))
    lsx <- length(sx)
    if (lsx < minScores)
        return (NA)
    sy <- Score(am)
    lsy <- unique(length(sy))
    if (lsy < minScores)
        return (NA)
    df <- data.frame(z = c(am),
                     sx = rep(sx, ncol(am)),
                     sy = rep(sy, each = nrow(am)))
    newdata <- df[IndexTwoOne(attr(am, "mp"), dim(am)),]
    m <- lm(z ~ sx * sy, data = df)
    predict(m, newdata = newdata)

## test PredictLm() by running it
## manually for one missing value
mp <- IndexOneFour(which([1], dim(ndvi))
a <- Subset(data = ndvi, mp = mp, i = 0)
PredictLm(a = a, i = 0)

## run PredictLm() on ndvi data
out5 <- Gapfill(data = ndvi, fnPredict = PredictLm,
                nNotNA = 50)

## End(Not run)

Main Function for Gap-Filling


The function fills (predicts) missing values in satellite data. We illustrate it with MODIS NDVI data, but it can also be applied to other data, that is recorded at equally spaced points in time. Moreover, the function provides infrastructure for the development of new gap-fill algorithms. The predictions of the missing values are based on a subset-predict procedure, i.e., each missing value is predicted separately by (1) selecting a subset of the data to a neighborhood around the missing value and (2) predicting the values based on that subset.


  fnSubset = Subset,
  fnPredict = Predict,
  iMax = Inf,
  nPredict = 1L,
  subset = "missing",
  clipRange = c(-Inf, Inf),
  dopar = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



Numeric array with four dimensions. The input (satellite) data to be gap-filled. Missing values should be encoded as NA. When using the default Subset and Predict functions, the data should have the dimensions: x coordinate, y coordinate, seasonal index (e.g., day of the year), and year. See the ndvi dataset for an example.


Function to subset the data around a missing value. See Subset and Extend for more information.


Function to predict a missing value based on the return value of fnSubset. See Predict and Extend for more information.


Integer vector of length 1. The maximum number of iterations until NA is returned as predicted value.


Integer vector of length 1. Specifies the length of the vector returned from fnPredict. Values larger than 1 may increase memory usage considerably.


If "missing" (default), all missing values of data are replaced by predictions. If "observed", all observed values of data are replaced by predictions. If a logical array of dimension dim(data) or a vector with positive integers, the elements data[subset] are replaced by predictions. Note that independently of the specified subset all provided values in data are used to inform the predictions.


Numeric vector of length 2. Specifies the lower and the upper bound of the filled data. Values outside this range are clipped accordingly. If nPredict is larger than 2, only the first return value of fnPredict will be clipped.


Logical vector of length 1. If TRUE, the %dopar% construct from the R package foreach is used. This allows the function to predict several missing values in parallel, if a parallel back-end (e.g., from the R package doParallel or doMpi) is available. See the example below and foreach for more information.


Logical vector of length 1. If TRUE (default), messages are printed.


Additional arguments passed to fnSubset and fnPredict.


The predictions of the missing values are based on a subset-predict procedure, i.e., each missing value is predicted separately by (1) selecting a subset of the data to a neighborhood around it and (2) predicting the values based on that subset. The following gives more information on this subset-predict strategy.
Missing values are often unevenly distributed in data. Therefore, the size of a reasonable subset may be different depending on the position of the considered missing value. The search strategy to find that subset is encoded in fnSubset. The function returns different subsets depending on the argument i. The decision whether a subset is suitable and the prediction itself is implemented in fnPredict. To be more specific, the subset-predict procedure loops over the following two steps to predict one missing value:


The function fnSubset is provided with the argument i = i (where i <- 0 in the first iteration) and returns a subset around the missing value.


The function fnPredict decides whether the subset contains enough information to predict the missing value. If so, the predicted value is returned. Otherwise, the function returns NA and the algorithm increases i by one (i <- i + 1) before continuing with step (1).

The procedure stops if one of the following criteria is met:

  • fnPredict returns a non-NA value,

  • iMax tries have been completed,

  • fnSubset returns the same subset two times in a row.


List of length 4 with the entries:

  • fill contains the gap-filled data. If nPredict = 1, fill is an array of dimension dim(data), otherwise the array is of dimension c(dim(data), nPredict).

  • mps integer vector of length equaling the number of predicted values. Contains the (1 dimensional) indices of the predicted values.

  • time list of length 4 containing timing information.

    • start start date and time.

    • end end date and time.

    • elapsedMins elapsed minutes.

    • elapsedSecsPerNA elapsed seconds per predicted value.

  • call call used to produce the object.


The default Predict function implements the prediction of the missing value and can also return lower and upper bounds of an approximated 90% prediction interval. See the help page of Predict for more information on the prediction interval. The example section below shows how the prediction interval can be calculated and displayed.

To tailor the procedure to a specific dataset, it might be necessary to adapt the subset and/or the prediction strategy. On the one hand, this can be done by changing the default arguments of Subset and Predict through the argument ... of Gapfill. See the help of the corresponding functions for more information about their arguments. On the other hand, the user can define a new subset and predict functions, and pass them to Gapfill through the arguments fnSubset and fnPredict. See Extend for more information.

The current implementation of Subset does not take into account that values at the boundaries of data can be neighboring to each other. For example, if global data (entire sphere) are considered, data[1,1,,] is a neighbor of data[dim(data)[1], dim(data)[2],,]. Similar considerations apply when data are available for an entire year. To take this into account, the Subset function can be redefined accordingly or the data can be augmented.

There are two strategies to run the gap-filling in parallel. The first one is to set the argument dopar of Gapfill to TRUE and to use an openMP or MPI parallel back-end. The parallel back-end needs to be setup before the call to Gapfill. An example using the R package doParallel is given below. Note that there exist other parallel back-ends implemented in other packages; such as, e.g., the package doMpi. Some parallel back-ends are platform dependent. While this approach shortens the process time by distributing the computational workload, it does not reduce the memory footprint of the procedure. The second strategy, which also reduces memory usage, is to split the data into several independent chunks. Whether data chunks are independent or not depends on the function provided to fnSubset. For example, the default Subset function never includes data that is further apart from the missing value than 1 seasonal index. Hence, data[,,1:3,] can be used to gap-fill data[,,2,].


Florian Gerber, [email protected].


F. Gerber, R. de Jong, M. E. Schaepman, G. Schaepman-Strub, and R. Furrer (2018) in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, pp. 1-13, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2017.2785240.

See Also

Extend, Subset-Predict, Image.


## Not run: 
out <- Gapfill(ndvi, clipRange = c(0, 1))

## look at input and output

## run on 2 cores in parallel
  out <- Gapfill(ndvi, dopar = TRUE)

## return also the prediction interval
out <- Gapfill(ndvi, nPredict = 3, predictionInterval = TRUE)

## dimension has changed according to 'nPredict = 3'

## clip values outside the valid parameter space [0,1].
out$fill[out$fill < 0] <- 0
out$fill[out$fill > 1] <- 1

## images of the output:
## predicted NDVI
## lower bound of the prediction interval
## upper bound of the prediction interval
## prediction interval length
Image(out$fill[,,,,3] - out$fill[,,,,2])

## End(Not run)

Image Panels


Creates an image panel to visualize data in 4, 3 or 2 dimensional arrays (e.g., space-time data). The function returns a ggplot2 object, which can be modified using ggplot2 (and/or grid) syntax.


  x = NULL,
  zlim = range(x, na.rm = TRUE),
  col = fields::tim.colors(1000),
  theme = TRUE,
  guides = TRUE,
  na.value = "black",
  panelsByrow = TRUE,
  asRaster = TRUE,
  xlab = "",
  ylab = "",
  colbarTitle = "",



Numeric array with 4, 3, or 2 dimensions containing the data to be plotted.


Numeric vector of length 2. Gives the upper and lower bound of the plotted values.


Vector of colors.


Logical vector of length one. Should the ggplot2 theme be modified?


Logical vector of length one. Should ggplot2 guides be modified?


Vector of length one. The color to be used for NA values.


Logical vector of length one. Indicates the ordering of the panels.


Logical vector of length one. If TRUE, the ordering of the pixel within images is similar to the plot method of the raster package. Otherwise, the ordering is similar to image.


Character vector (or expression) of length one giving the x-axis label.


Character vector (or expression) of length one giving the y-axis label.


Character vector (or expression) of length one giving the colorbar label.


Additional arguments are passed to ggplot.


Object (plot) of class c("gg", "ggplot2").


Florian Gerber, [email protected].

See Also

ndvi, ggplot2.


t1 <- array(rep(c(1,0), each = 5), c(5,5))
t1[5,3] <- 2 
t2 <- abind(t1, t1, along = 3)
t3 <- abind(t2, t2, along = 4)

## Not run: 

p1 <- Image(ndvi, colbarTitle = "NDVI", xlab = "Year", ylab = "DOY",
            panelsByrow  = FALSE)

p2 <- Image(ndvi[,,3,2], na.value = "white", colbarTitle = "NDVI") +
      theme(strip.text.x = element_blank(),
            strip.text.y = element_blank(),
            panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA, size = 1))

## place modified color bar left
p2 + guides(fill = guide_colorbar(title = "NDVI", 
                                  barwidth = 1,
                                  barheight = 20,
                                  label.position = "right", 
                                  legend.position = c(0, 0))) +
     theme(legend.position = "right")

## place color bar at bottom
p2 + guides(fill = guide_colorbar(title = "NDVI", 
                                  barwidth = 7,
                                  barheight = .7,
                                  label.position = "bottom", 
                                  legend.position = c(0, 0)),
                                  direction = "horizontal") +
     theme(legend.position = "bottom")

## End(Not run)

Index Conversions


Converts an index from the first length to the second length. For example, assume that c(2, 2) indexes an element in a matrix with 2 rows and 5 columns. If the matrix is transformed to a vector, the same element can be accessed with the index IndexTwoOne(c(2, 2), c(2, 5)) (=4).


IndexTwoOne(index, dimTwo)

IndexOneFour(index, dimFour)



Integer vector of length 2 for IndexTwoOne() and length 1 for IndexOneFour().


Integer vector of length 2 indicating the dimension of the 2 dimensional array.


Integer vector of length 4 indicating the dimension of the 4 dimensional array.


Vector of length 1 for IndexTwoOne() and length 4 for IndexOneFour().


Florian Gerber, [email protected].


## IndexTwoOne
IndexTwoOne(c(2, 2), c(2, 5))
v <- 1:10
dimTwo <- c(2, 5)
m <- array(v, dimTwo)
stopifnot(v[IndexTwoOne(c(2, 2), dimTwo)] == m[2,2])

## IndexOneFour
IndexOneFour(13, c(2, 2, 2, 2))
w <- 1:16
dimFour <- c(2, 2, 2, 2)
a <- array(w, dimFour)
stopifnot(a[1,1,2,2] == w[13])

NDVI Data from Alaska


The dataset was created to test gap-fill algorithms. It mimics a subset of the MODIS NDVI data (product MOD13A1) in the region of Alaska. The data product features one image per 16-day time interval, i.e., 24 images per year. The indicated images (see Image(ndvi)) were downloaded and stored as a 4 dimensional array. Its dimensions correspond to longitude, latitude, day of the year, and year.




Numeric array with 4 dimensions. As indicated by the dimnames of the array:

  • dim 1: longitude,

  • dim 2: latitude,

  • dim 3: day of the year,

  • dim 4: year.

The values are NDVI values, and hence, between 0 and 1. Missing values are encoded as NA.


The actual MOD13A data product is available from NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center, Sioux Falls, South Dakota MODIS data can be downloaded with the R package MODIS



Score Columns of a Matrix Containing NAs by its Values


Helper function for Predict used to score the columns of a matrix according to their values. The scoring of a given column is done by pair-wise comparisons with all other columns. The comparison of columns is done by pair-wise comparisons of the non-missing values. This procedure is robust to missing values, if all columns of the matrix have a similar (potentially shifted) distribution of values.





Numeric matrix. May contain NA values.


Numeric vector of length ncol(mat).


Interfaces a C++ function. The R package Rcpp is used.


Florian Gerber, [email protected].


F. Gerber, R. de Jong, M. E. Schaepman, G. Schaepman-Strub, and R. Furrer (2018) in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, pp. 1-13, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2017.2785240.


mat <- rbind(c( 1,  2, NA),
             c(NA, NA,  1),
             c( 2, NA,  3),
             c( 1,  5, NA),
             c(NA,  2,  5))
s <- Score(mat)

## manual calculation in R
Mean <- function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
sByHand <- c(Mean(c(Mean(mat[,1] > mat[,2]),
                    Mean(mat[,1] > mat[,3]))),
             Mean(c(Mean(mat[,2] > mat[,1]),
                    Mean(mat[,2] > mat[,3]))),
             Mean(c(Mean(mat[,3] > mat[,1]),
                    Mean(mat[,3] > mat[,2]))))
stopifnot(identical(s, sByHand))

Subset and Predict Functions


The Subset and Predict function used in the default configuration of Gapfill. To predict a missing value, the two function are called sequentially as described the help page of Gapfill.


Subset(data, mp, i, initialSize = c(10L, 10L, 1L, 5L))

  nTargetImage = 5,
  nImages = 4,
  nQuant = 2,
  predictionInterval = FALSE,
  qrErrorToNA = TRUE



Numeric array with four dimensions. The input (satellite) data to be gap-filled. Missing values should be encoded as NA. The data should have the dimensions: x coordinate, y coordinate, seasonal index (e.g., day of the year), and year. See the ndvi dataset for an example.


Integer vector of length 4 encoding the position of the missing value in data to predict.


Integer vector of length 1. The number of tried subsets that lead to a NA return value from Predict.


Integer vector of length 4, that provides the size of the subset for i = 0.


Return value of Subset().


Integer vector of length 1. Minimum number of non-NA values in the image containing the missing value. If the criterion is not met, NA is returned.


Integer vector of length 1. Minimum number of non-empty images. If the criterion is not met, NA is returned.


Integer vector of length 1. Parameter passed to EstimateQuantile.


Logical vector of length 1. If FALSE (default), no prediction interval is returned. If TRUE, the predicted value together with the lower and upper bounds of an approximated 90% prediction interval are returned. In that case, the function returns 3 values, and hence, the argument nPredict of gapfill has to be set to 3 in order to store all returned values.


Logical vector of length 1. If TRUE (default), an error in the quentile regression fitting leads to a NA return value. If FALSE, an error in the quentile regression fitting leads to an error and stops the prediction.


The Subset function defines the search strategy to find a relevant subset by calling the function ArrayAround. The size of the initial subset is given by the argument initialSize. Its default values is c(5L, 5L, 1L, 5L), which corresponds to a spatial extend of 5 pixels in each direction from the missing value and includes time points having the previous, the same or the next seasonal index and are not further apart than 5 years. With an increase of the argument i, the spatial extent of the subset increases.

The Predict function decides whether the subset a is suitable and calculates the prediction (fill value) when a suitable subset is provided. To formulate the conditions that are used to decide if a subset is suitable, consider the subset a as a collection of images. More precisely, if dim(a) = c(d1, d2, d3, d4), it can be seen as a collection of d3*d4 images with an extent of d1 by d2 pixels. Using this terminology, we require the following conditions to be fulfilled in order to predict the missing value:

  • a contains at least nTargetImage non-NA values in the image containing the missing value,

  • a contains at least nImages non-empty images.

The prediction itself is based on sorting procedures (see Score and EstimateQuantile) and the quantile regression function rq.

If the argument predictionInterval is TRUE the Predict functions returns the predicted value together with the lower and upper bounds of an approximated 90% prediction interval. The interval combines the uncertainties introduced by Score and EstimateQuantile.


Subset returns an array with 4 dimensions containing the missing value at the position indicated by the attribute mp.

Predict returns a numeric vector containing the predicted value (and if predictionInterval is TRUE, the lower and upper bounds of the prediction interval), or NA, if no prediction was feasible.


The current implementation of Subset does not take into account that locations at the boundary of data can be neighboring to each other. For example, if global data (entire sphere) are considered, the location data[1,1,,] is a neighbor of data[dim(data)[1], dim(data)[2],,]. Similar considerations apply when data are available for an entire year. To take this into account, the Subset function can be redefined accordingly or the data can be augmented.


Florian Gerber, [email protected].


F. Gerber, R. de Jong, M. E. Schaepman, G. Schaepman-Strub, and R. Furrer (2018) in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, pp. 1-13, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2017.2785240.

See Also

Gapfill, Extend, EstimateQuantile, Score, ndvi.


## Assume we choose c(5, 5, 1, 5) as initalSize of the subset
iS <- c(5, 5, 1, 5)
## case 1: initial subset leads to prediction -------
i <- 0
a <- Subset(data = ndvi, mp = c(1, 3, 1, 2), i = i, initialSize = iS)
p <- Predict(a = a, i = i)
stopifnot(identical(a, ArrayAround(data = ndvi, mp = c(1, 3, 1, 2),
                                   size = c(5 + i, 5 + i, 1, 5))))
stopifnot(identical(p, Gapfill(data = ndvi, subset = 1807,
                               initialSize = iS, verbose = FALSE)$fill[1807]))

## case 2: two tries are necessary ------------------
i <- 0
a <- Subset(data = ndvi, mp = c(20, 1, 1, 2), i = i, initialSize = iS)
p <- Predict(a = a, i = i)

## Increase i and try again.
i <- i + 1
a <- Subset(data = ndvi, mp = c(20, 1, 1, 2), i = i, initialSize = iS)
p <- Predict(a = a, i = i)
stopifnot(identical(a, ArrayAround(data = ndvi, mp = c(20, 1, 1, 2),
                                   size = c(5 + i, 5 + i, 1, 6))))
stopifnot(identical(p, Gapfill(data = ndvi, subset = 1784,
                               initialSize = iS, verbose = FALSE)$fill[1784]))

Validation with RMSE


The function summarizes the validation scenario and returns the root mean squared error (RMSE) of the predictions. The typical validation procedure is: start with the trueData. Remove some validation points to obtain artificially generated dataObserved. Predicting the validation points based on dataObserved leads to dataFilled.


  include = rep(TRUE, length(dataObserved))



Numeric vector containing the observed data.


Numeric vector containing the filled (predicted) data. Needs to have the same length as dataObserved.


Numeric vector containing the true data. Needs to have the same length as dataObserved.


Logical vector indicating which element to include in the calculation of the RMSE.


Numeric matrix with one 1 row and 6 columns having the entries:

  • nNA: number of missing values in dataObserved,

  • nFilled: number of predicted values,

  • nNotFilled: number of not predicted missing values,

  • ratioFilled: ratio: nFilled / nNA,

  • nCrossvali: number of values for validation,

  • RMSE: root mean squared error.


Florian Gerber, [email protected].


Validate(c(1, NA, 2, NA), c(1, 2, 2, NA), c(1, 1, 2, 2))

## validate gap-fill predictions: consider the ndvi data

## define some validation points vp
## in the image of the day 145 of the year 2004
vp <- 300 + c(5:10) + rep(21 * c(0:5), each = 6)

## remove the vp values from the data
nn <- ndvi
nn[vp] <- NA

## predict the vp values 
out <- Gapfill(nn, subset = vp)
Validate(dataObserved = nn, dataFilled = out$fill,
         dataTrue = ndvi)